Sunday, December 23, 2012

That moment..

That moment when people give you things you don't really deserve but you accept it anyways. Well, I don't know why some people do but maybe because they feel happy they met you and you deserve it. Or maybe they feel bad, and they want to be the ones who can make it up to you. But what I want to happen (which actually happens to me every time) is that when people give you things out of love and they don't want anything in return. It sounds cheesy but I'm guilty about this. 

Thanks to my parents, I get to experience something oh so cheesy. I actually received something I have been wanting since I was in high school. It is really expensive and I'll let you guys guess what it is. 

It's some of the things I've always wanted but can only look behind the window shops to get a glance of it. I've always said to myself I'll get it someday. I never thought it could be so soon. :) The feeling of finally owning one makes me grateful for my parents and God because they're the ones who have given me such a blessing. I know, I sound materialistic now but I'm just happy. 

I hope someday I can make it all up to them by become the best that I can be.. (another cheesy line over here!)

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